A bad day. Starting with a struggling competition, sailing through an anti-human emotional cum psychotic thinking and finally arriving at a stage of 'doubts' and questions, this day has largely painted me in one color - darkness. Neither Gita says nor my sweet mother what I intend to feel or believe amidst my violent and escaping tendencies.
It is difficult for me to portray myself as one generally accepted social animal. Woods seemed to call me. People and there 'peopleness' seem to repel me. A strong desire to put an end to this struggle; the competition which I do not intend to participate in: the struggle of survival. It seems like a fruitless activity, which in turn is decided by me; others; my past and my future, yielding some of the most undesirable state of mind as if spoiling my innocence or desire to walk on the path of LOVE.
War, as understood by great men, seems to be an integral part of our life. Struggle against another: a bitter truth that somebody else's blood, from the body or emotions or desires, is an indispensible item for one's evolution.
What then is Love? What then is gratitude? What then is mercy?
Logical systems, rules and regulations prove themselves to be more desirable (ironically people fight against these trying to nuture chaotic reflections) in this subjective world. The need for a 'guru', internal, physical or philosophical, is like an urgency of soul to find some solution to this violence of restlessness.
The bigger problem (or, perhaps, the life jacket to stay sane) is accepting and stacking the thousand pearls from the hundreds of seas of wisdom in an 'unrealised' and naive thought-factory. Smile & frustation; love & repulsion;and energy & oblivion is the direct manisfestation of the trouble I face in proudly claiming myself to be the willing keeper of the 'knowledge of Truth'. The only thought saving me is I guess this is just a part of the game.
I'll be fine tomorrow morning or perhaps some moments from now. But what about the thoughts and moments I just sacrificed worshipping dark. Or there is just