Wednesday, March 26, 2008

When love causes fear

I can feel a strange pain; a fear that she has chosen the tough path to evolve. The fear has it's origin from a sense of belonging; who & whom? I have no answer.

Love calls for words

In the world of I, the decision is yours
As the life is yours & yours are its seeds
Of pain & pleasure, of thorns & treasures
As they lie in the womb of unknown seconds

I see the blood, I feel the pain
As you run from now and call for the breath
Midst mist of cough and you thought some death
Alas! Thus, tired of the screams you set to shout

Darker is the life it seems to me
Don't live in it rather embrace the death

Strange it is, the bonds of love
Binding one end with the others' right to fly free
The judgment suspends you, my questions censure me
To feel it again, to think of you again

What can I do so doing may not be yours
May be it's your embrace that's the victory of bond
But you seem to fail, as we all do in many
As we keep them waiting, and leave them burning.

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