Sunday, July 6, 2008

I am lonely

In a strange arrangement of various values & entities, the first days of my first job proves to be a little stinky and useless, professionally as well as individually, but a bit more than a grave. All the pillars which justify living seems to rebuke at each & every bit of my breath.

The music, aah! I forgot my pen drive, is an alien word. The soul- refreshing treats of Bhajans are beyond my reach. And, thus is the fate of my enquiring soul. In a team game with the body, it is being slashed every now and then. Books live along with hiding insects and so does my intellect.

The 'competitive' and 'dynamic' attitude is tortured by the presence of a stunningly shallow mindset of my fellow soldiers. It seems as if I have been imprisioned for committing the sin of 'enthusiam'.

My friends, my darlings are all away. My emotions for them sweeps me from my lonliness only to take me to a state of realisation that even after almost a week, I don't have my cellphone. It's a pathetic state of relationships.

And finally, but strangely the most dominating of all ----. The clutches of bygone emotions which slaps me at each sigh of a desire and caress me on every spark of fire. The revelation of a strange attachment to a receding love rottens my imagination and spits on my body its frustrating turnings of unfulfilled identity.